What doth life?
Vinz, Fandango, Grim and Lord Hater in the same image?
You enjoyed Wimp Witch as well, right?
Got Hannah Barbera vives out of this.
It gives me GTA:SA vibes of it.
Also a bit of Bully too, another game that Rockstar Games also published, under its Vancouver-based division, since the map is intended to look big whilst the town it represents is just your average local town that is meant to be not too small, but not too big either.
Does this girl have a name?
If you ask me, I'd name her May.
P.S. Found out her name was Kim
she does! its hidden somewhere in the cartoon
Enjoyed the game, it was hilarious.
I get Panty & Stocking vibes from this.
Grim-humoured: Yes
Satirical: Yes
Critical: Depends on the subject
Redeemed: Yes
Innocent: Yes
Visceral: YES
Ready?: HELL YEAH!
Allignment: It depends on who you ask...
Male (20)
Satirical Artist
My lawyers told me not to
Joined on 1/25/21