Do it for the vine, they said...
Captain Planet: "It´s even worse than last year!...OK, good luck!"
Also Captain Planet: *proceeds to buzz off rather than using his powers*
Revisiting my childhood...once again.
Can Vlad have Donovan's phone number?
My boy´s back!
The artstyle reminded me of League of Super Evil.
Perhaps Vincent played E.T. on the Atari 2600.
Hence the hatred towards earthlings...
Everything is amazing!
Yeah...YouTube sucks!
Grim-humoured: Yes
Satirical: Yes
Critical: Depends on the subject
Redeemed: Yes
Innocent: Yes
Visceral: YES
Ready?: HELL YEAH!
Allignment: It depends on who you ask...
Male (20)
Satirical Artist
My lawyers told me not to
Joined on 1/25/21